The Reason why Our lenses are chosen

Our technology has developed excellent optical characteristics even at the periphery, despite the problems with resolution, contrast, distortion and vignetting that competitor's lenses suffer from.


Clear images to the periphery

Extremely low distortion


The use of the floating mechanism in their focusing systems allows them to capture low-distortion, high resolution images at all distances, from infinity right down to their minimum object distance, demonstrating maximum performance at any magnification.
In addition to the commonly used working distances between 250 and 400mm, this range of lenses can be used for new applications such as research, security and traffic monitoring by maintaining high performance even at near and far working distances.


1. Optical simulation technology supported by actual results

To realise this product, we shared information on our vital optical design technology with other products in the Ricoh Group and are always introducing new technology. We introduced Ricoh original algorithms for resolution and ghost analysis, and in post-design trials, we confirmed the characteristics on actual equipment were the same as in our simulations. These results are fed back into the simulations, which in turn helps us improve our technology to ensure performance and build on pre-existing technology.

2. Tolerance accumulating technology with due attention to variations during mass production

We have created a parts tolerance accumulation system that is replete with our inherent knowledge of optical units, maintaining part processing precision and yield. We establish the required precision at part level in accordance with Ricoh's original algorithms and verify them.

3. Precision adjustment technology during mass production

We have introduced adjustment technology to precision lens processing and assembly to our production process,concentrating the precision adjustment technology created by the Ricoh Group to produce lenses that are even more advanced.

Tips:Why RICOH’s lenses are high quality?

We have established unique inspection standards and introduced lens adjustment technology created by Ricoh, enabling the suppression of variations in individual lens performance.

We randomly selected three Ricoh and three of our ordinary 5 Megapixel and measured resolution. The graphs below show how four region’s resolution changes when the focus is changed from ‘O’ (Working Distance 900mm on the center of a QR Code) to near or far.

W.D. 900mm f2.8
Investigated by RICOH

While using these lenses, we also took images of the QR codes. We focused on the QR code in the center, took images and scanned the QR code with software in each region.
Consequently, All images of the QR codes taken by the Ricoh lenses are recognized correctly, while only five out of the twelve taken by the ordinary 5 Megapixel lenses are correctly readable.

We consolidated Ricoh’s and our ordinary 5 Megapixel lens‘s resolution graphs for each location.
Ordinary lens performance is spread out in terms of both resolution and peak positions, whilst Ricoh’s lens performance is almost the same.

Solid Line:Ricoh Lenses Dotted Line:Ordinary Lenses

Ricoh lenses assure users of not just high performance but also high repeatability with the use of our adjustment and simulation technologies.